Last week, thousands of techies from around the globe descended on Las Vegas to take part in the largest tech event of the year, the Consumer Electronics Show – or CES.
CES is largely a trade show with a big impact for tech-savvy consumers. Big household names launch their latest gadgets, anything from smart washers and dryers to the latest in TV technologies. But it’s the smaller names with quirkier gadgets that have caught our eye this year.
Here are five of the random, but equally awesome, gadgets from this year’s CES that we’re super excited about:
Robots, robots, robots
Robots are always a huge part of CES, meant to answer all kinds of issues. This year, we saw robots to help people control their increasingly smart homes. Robots specific for children. Even tiny robots to put on your desk to serve as a companion as you burn the midnight oil.
Read more about the cool robots launched at CES:
AirBar, touch your Macbook and leave more than just fingerprints!
This cool gadget lets you easily turn your Macbook Air screen into a touchscreen one. The gadget is a simple magnetic bar that latches onto the bottom of your computer’s screen and connects via one of its ports. After that you’re free to enjoy all the awesomeness of a touchscreen laptop without the heavy investment.
Unfortunately you’ll have to wait until March to get your hands on one for about $99, but if you have a PC you can snag one now.
Learn more about AirBar:
Nima, a cute little gadget that tests your food for gluten
A tiny lab on the go, the Nima helps gluten conscious diners make sure what they’re about to eat won’t make them sick. The Nima detects even trace amounts of the protein through small strips and will alert a user before they start eating. The creators of this awesome device also plan to branch out to other allergies, including peanuts, to make dining safe and fun for everyone. How cool!
Learn more about Nima:
PowerRay, an underwater fishing drone sure to step up your fishing game
Essentially an underwater drone, the PowerRay, allows fishermen to dive up to 98 feet looking for fish in previously unreachable areas. While it’s one of the first underwater drones available, the PowerRay definitely packs a punch – it can do everything from recording video underwater, sending images back to fishers, set bait for fishes and it can even be controlled through the company’s VR goggles allowing you to see underwater by just moving your head around.
Learn more about the PowerRay:
Hair Coach, get better hair, let your brush tell you how
We admit, a lot of this stuff can be classified under “nice to have” none more maybe than this brush. However, hair health is very often in the grey area of things that maybe you should know but aren’t too sure how to figure out. The Hair Coach aims to change this by allowing users to learn how to prevent damage, dryness, breaking, and tangling of hair leading to a luscious mane that won’t quit.
Sadly, you’ll have to wait a little bit for supreme hair health since the Hair Coach won’t be available until the Fall.
Learn more about the Hair Coach:
What were your favorite gadgets from CES?