4 High-Tech Ways to Track Your Water Intake

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Whether you’re on a fitness journey or just looking to add a healthy habit to your routine, tracking your water intake can help you achieve your wellness goals.

It definitely can be challenging to remember just how much water you’ve had in one day. Most of us only remember to drink water when we’re thirsty. Luckily there are amazing high-tech options to help you track your water intake, without the need to do much remembering yourself.

1. Hydration Sleeves

A hydration sleeve is a hands-free way to get your water in, especially if you’re out running, hiking, or biking. A hydration sleeve is basically a water pouch inside an arm band. But it does more than just hold water. It measures the amount of water that leaves the pouch and how much water remains inside.

Once you buy your hydration sleeve you download a partnering app. The sleeve sends a signal to the app, which reminds you when you need to drink more water.

2. Smart Water Bottles

Smart water bottles are more than just bottles. They also send you reminders for your daily water goal. Besides reminding you to drink your water, some even sanitize the water for you.

Like the hydration sleeves, smart water bottles help you track your water intake via a phone app. The advantage of the app is that it keeps you informed about your hydration in real-time.

One option is the HidrateSpark 3 smart water bottle, a regular on various best smart water bottle lists. It lights up to remind you that it’s time to drink. Plus, you can integrate all of the information from its app into your Apple Watch, FitBit, Garmin, and more.

3. Water Tracking Apps

A water tracking app, like the Ozmo App, not only reminds you to stay hydrated, but also has cool features such as group challenges.

You can customize the Ozmo App based on gender and weight, ensuring all recommendations and reminders are personalized to you. This app is incredibly convenient when it comes to hydration reminders, as most of us tend to have our smartphones on us at all times anyway.

4. Smart Hydration Bracelets

Smart hydration bracelets, like the NIX hydration sensor, are hydration reminders you can wear on your wrist. Available in different colors and sizes, these wearables help you track your water intake and monitor your hydration levels.

Another bonus is that these bracelets track more than just your water consumption. Some models can also monitor your:

  • Moods
  • Sleep
  • Steps
  • Calorie intake
  • Heart rate

Whichever method helps you track your water intake, there’s no denying that technology can make the task much easier.